Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 10: Giant Trees and the road back home

I started out the last day of my trip on the coast in Northern California. I left at the crack of dawn and headed North on 101 into a dense fog. It was surprisingly cold and everything was covered in a layer of condensation. I stopped a few miles in and put on my warmer … Continue reading Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 10: Giant Trees and the road back home

Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 9: Apex Hunting in California

Starting out the day in Atwater, I knew I had to head Northwest, but that meant going through at least one city during a weekday morning rush our. It was either going to be straight West through San Francisco, which would maximize my time on the Pacific Coast Highway, or North through Sacramento, then West. … Continue reading Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 9: Apex Hunting in California

Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 7: Not Dying in Death Valley

Originally, I’d planned to cross the valley at night and watch the sun rise from the Western side, but that seemed like a waste. Every other national park I’d been through had been impressive enough that it seemed a shame to mostly skip this one for fear of discomfort. I left Beatty around 6, just … Continue reading Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 7: Not Dying in Death Valley

Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 1: Slab, slab, and more slab

I barely slept the night before leaving. Between excitement for the trip and apprehension about taking a largely unknown bike to some really remote areas, I probably got about an hour or so of actual rest. The first part of my trip, down to Bonneville at least, would be with a group of three friends … Continue reading Motorcycle Road Trip, Day 1: Slab, slab, and more slab

I didn’t die in the desert! Motorcycle road trip stats.

I’m hoping to do a separate write up for each day of the trip over the next week or so. Each day had it’s own personality and almost felt like a vacation in itself. But I really liked AMGtechs trip stats so I’m going to shamelessly rip it off. Total miles: 3050 Average miles per … Continue reading I didn’t die in the desert! Motorcycle road trip stats.